Building physical interventions for the well-being of frail elderly

This study was designed to gain more insight into the combination of the indoor environmental parameters in nursing homes and the influence on the quality of life of older people.

Frail older people suffering from a psychogeriatric disorder often need institutional care and therefore live in nursing homes. In nursing homes, they spend most of their time indoors. Additionally, older people have an altered sensitivity to indoor environmental (IE) parameters (light, acoustics and indoor air quality (IAQ)). The aim of this field study is to describe the current IE parameters and to examine how to enhance the IE climate in the nursing home in perspective of residents’ quality of life and well-being of the healthcare professionals. To describe the room acoustics the following parameters were used: background noise level, reverberation time and the speech transmission index. Light measurements, including horizontal and vertical illuminance at relevant positions and viewing directions, were performed to describe the light conditions in the common living rooms. IAQ was measured indicated by CO2 and by recording analysis of notifiable infections outbreaks. The results of the measurements were used as guideline for the redesign of a common living room in the participated nursing home.


Helianthe Kort

Helianthe Kort

Research details

  • Involved researchers: prof. dr. Helianthe S.M. Kort, ir. Emelieke R.C.M. Huisman, Maaike Smole
  • Period: September 2012 – September 2014
  • Partners: Hogeschool Utrecht, Woonzorgcentrum Haaglanden and consortium partners