

Relevante publicaties door leden van het ECDT, in samenwerking met andere partijen. Het onderzoek is erop gericht om positief bij te dragen aan het leven van mensen met dementie door het gebruik van warme technologie.

Belangrijke publicaties

Brankaert, R., & Kenning, G. (2020). HCI and Design in the Context of Dementia. In Human-computer interaction series.

De aanleiding voor deze verkenning is de samenwerking tussen het Expertise centrum Dementie & Technologie en Alzheimer Nederland. Ze gaan aan de slag met ‘Warme Technologie’. In deze verkenning wordt eerst dieper ingegaan op de context waarin dit concept zich ontwikkelt en wat er onder verstaan moet worden. Vervolgens worden vier rollen geëxploreerd die door het Expertise centrum met haar netwerk kunnen worden vervuld om Warme Technologie op de kaart te zetten.

Zonneveld, M., 2021, Het Expertise centrum voor Warme Technologie: een verkenning.

Lijst van publicaties door onderzoekers bij het ECDT


STAPP: Designing a Tool for People with Korsakoff’s Syndrome to Re-learn Daily Activities Step by Step
Beijer, S., Dam, F., Houben, M., & Brankaert, R. (2024). STAPP: Designing a tool for people with Korsakoff’s syndrome to re-learn daily activities step by step.

Design Opportunities for Care Transitions in Dementia: Understanding Informal Caregivers’ Experiences Through a Practice-Informed Approach
Houben, M., Brankaert, R., Gosen, M., Van Overloop, V., & IJsselsteijn, W. (2024). Design Opportunities for care Transitions in Dementia: Understanding informal caregivers’ experiences through a Practice-Informed approach. Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.

HCI Research in Sensitive Settings: Learning Researcher Reflexivity, Ethical Conduct and Empathy in Participatory Design Approaches
Houben, M., Lee, M., Foley, S., Morrissey, K., & Brankaert, R. (2024). HCI research in sensitive settings: learning researcher reflexivity, ethical conduct and empathy in participatory design approaches. Extended Abstracts of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.


Participatory Design for Whom? Designing Conversational User Interfaces for Sensitive Settings and Vulnerable Populations
Houben, M., Van As, N., Sawhney, N., Unbehaun, D., & Lee, M. (2023). Participatory design for Whom? Designing conversational user interfaces for sensitive settings and vulnerable populations. CUI ’23: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Conversational User Interfaces.

Switch2Move: Designing a Tangible Interface with People Living with Dementia for Initiating and Engaging in Music-Supported Exercises at Home
Houben, M., van Berlo, M., Antonissen, F., Wouters, E. & Brankaert, R. G. A., 10 Jul 2023, (Accepted/In press) Proceedings of the 2023 Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS ’23). New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery, Inc, 15 p.Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Conference contribution › Academic › peer-review

Happje: Stimulating Collaborative Cooking for People with Dementia
Ruitenburg, Y., Brankaert, R., Houben, M., Lee, M. & Pasman, G., 19 Apr 2023, CHI 2023 – Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Association for Computing Machinery, Inc, p. 1-9 152Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Conference contribution › Academic › peer-review

HCI Research in Sensitive Settings: Lessons Learned from Technology Design and Ethical Challenges in Dementia
Houben, M., Lee, M., Foley, S., Morrissey, K. & Brankaert, R., 19 Apr 2023, CHI 2023 – Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Article 543 ed. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery, Inc, p. 1-4 543Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Conference contribution › Academic

Reflecting on Living Labs as Multi-Stakeholder Collaborative Networks to Evaluate Technological Products for People Living with Dementia
Toso, F., Brankaert, R. G. A., Hendriks, N., Lenaerts, L. & Wilkinson, A., 1 Feb 2023, In: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 20, 3, 15 p., 1673.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › Academic › peer-review

Adaptivity in Research Practice with People Living with Dementia: A Designer’s Reflection
Suijkerbuijk, S. W. P., Thoolen, M., Nap, H. H., Minkman, M. M. N., IJsselsteijn, W. A., Brankaert, R. G. A. & de Kort, Y. A. W., 2023, Dementia Lab 2022: The Residue of Design Proceedings of the 6th Dementia Lab Conference, D-Lab 2022, September 20–22, 2022, Leuven, Belgium. Houben, M., Brankaert, R., Hendriks, N., Wilkinson, A. & Morrissey, K. (eds.). Springer, p. 13-25 (Design For Inclusion ; vol. 3).Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Conference contribution › Academic › peer-review


House of Memories: A Tangible and Multisensory Museum Installation Focused on Daily Life with Dementia
Beijer, S., & Brankaert, R. (2022). House of Memories: A Tangible and Multisensory Museum Installation Focused on Daily Life with Dementia. In Design for inclusion (pp. 61–75).

Soundscapes for Storytelling and Meaningful Activity in Dementia Care
Houben, M., van Berlo, M., Kenning, G. & Brankaert, R. G. A., 27 Jun 2022, (Accepted/In press) Proceedings of DRS2022 International Conference.Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Conference contribution › Academic › peer-review

Designing for Everyday Sounds at Home with People with Dementia and their Partners
Houben, M., Brankaert, R., Kenning, G., Bongers, I. & Eggen, B., 29 Apr 2022, CHI 2022 – Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 514Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Conference contribution › Academic › peer-review

LivingMoments: Bespoke Social Communication for People living with Dementia and their Relatives
Thoolen, M., Toso, F., Peek, S., Lu, Y. & Brankaert, R. G. A., 29 Apr 2022, CHI 2022 – Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Association for Computing Machinery, Inc, 515Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Conference contribution › Academic › peer-review

Enriching Everyday Lived Experiences in Dementia Care
Houben, M., Brankaert, R. G. A., Dhaeze, E., Kenning, G., Bongers, I. M. B. & Eggen, J. H., 13 Feb 2022, TEI 2022 – Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction. New York, NY, USA, 13 p. 3501326. (ACM International Conference Proceeding Series).Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Conference contribution › Academic › peer-review


Smile: Capturing and Sharing Personal Photos to Stimulate Social Relations and Support Self-Identity in Dementia
Houben, M., Van Engen, V., Kenning, G. & Brankaert, R., 29 May 2021, Design For Inclusion. Springer, Vol. 2. p. 83-93 Chapter 7. (Dementia Lab 2021: Supporting Ability Through Design; vol. 2).Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter › Academic › peer-review

Co-creating Design Opportunities for Social Technology in the Context of Dementia
Kolasinska, A., Thoolen, M., Peek, S., Lu, Y. & Brankaert, R. G. A., 28 May 2021, Dementia Lab 2021: Supporting Ability Through Design. D-Lab 2021. Design For Inclusion. Springer, Vol. 2.Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Conference contribution › Academic › peer-review

CoasterChat: Exploring Digital Communication between People with Early Stage Dementia and Family Members Embedded in a Daily Routine
Diks, S., Muyrers, T. H. C., Huang, T-J., Chen, G., Thoolen, M. & Brankaert, R. G. A., 8 May 2021, Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI EA 2021: Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Association for Computing Machinery, Inc, p. 1-7 7 p. 402Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Conference contribution › Academic › peer-review


The Perspectives of Professional Caregivers on Implementing Audio-Based Technology in Residential Dementia Care
Houben, M., Brankaert, R., Kenning, G., Eggen, B. & Bongers, I., 31 Aug 2020, In: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17, 17, 19 p., 6333.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › Academic › peer-review

Exploring Everyday Sounds in Dementia: Practical Guidelines for Interactive Workshops
Houben, M., Brankaert, R., Bakker, S., Bongers, I. & Eggen, B., 17 Jul 2020, HCI and Design in the Context of Dementia. Human–Computer Interaction Series. Brankaert, R. & Kenning, G. (eds.). Cham: Springer Nature, p. 207-221 (HCI and Design in the Context of Dementia).Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter › Academic › peer-review

Stakeholder Perspectives on Design Interventions in Dementia Care
Houben, M., Brankaert, R. & Wouters, E., Jul 2020, Companion Publication of the 2020 ACM on Designing Interactive Systems Conference. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery, Inc, p. 43–47 5 p.Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Conference contribution › Academic › peer-review

RelivRing: reliving social activities for people with dementia​​​​​​​
van Rijen, K., Cobbenhagen, T., Janssen, R., Olsen, M. V., Brankaert, R., Houben, M. & Lu, Y., 25 Apr 2020, CHI’20 Extended Abstracts, April 25–30, 2020, Honolulu, HI, USA. New York, NY, USA: ACM Press, 8 p. LBW045. (Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems – Proceedings).Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Conference contribution › Academic › peer-review

Turnaround: exploring care relations in dementia through desig
Houben, M., Lehn, B., van den Brink, N., Diks, S., Verhoef, J. & Brankaert, R., 25 Apr 2020, CHI’20 Extended Abstracts, April 25–30, 2020, Honolulu, HI, USA. New York, NY, USA: ACM Press, 8 p. LBW351. (Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems – Proceedings).Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Conference contribution › Academic › peer-review

The role of everyday sounds in advanced dementia care
Houben, M., Brankaert, R., Bakker, S., Kenning, G., Bongers, I. & Eggen, B., 21 Apr 2020, Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems – (CHI ’20). New York, USA: ACM Press, 14 p. 450Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Conference contribution › Academic › peer-review


Foregrounding everyday sounds in dementia
Houben, M., Brankaert, R., Bakker, S., Kenning, G., Bongers, I. & Eggen, B., 18 Jun 2019,DIS ’19 Proceedings of the 2019 on Designing Interactive Systems Conference. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery, Inc, p. 71-83 13 p.Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Conference contribution › Academic › peer-review

Outdoor life and technology with dementia
Brankaert, R. & Suijkerbuijk, S., 2019, Using technology in dementia care: a guide to technology solutions for everyday living. Astell, A., Smith, S. & Joddrell, P. (eds.). London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, p. 53-64 12 p.Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter › Academic › peer-review


The design-driven living lab: a new approach to exploring solutions to complex societal challenges
Brankaert, R. G. A. & den Ouden, P. H., Jan 2017, In: Technology Innovation Management Review. 7, 1, p. 44-51 8 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › Academic › peer-review


A design-driven Living Lab to explore innovation for societal challenges: a dementia case study
Brankaert, R. G. A., 2016, “Research Day – Conference proceedings 2016”. Montreal, CanadaResearch output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Conference contribution › Academic › peer-review


A point in the right direction: a simple navigation device for people with dementia.
Brankaert, R. G. A. & de Jong, H. J., 16 Jul 2015, Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Design4Health 2015. Christer, K. (ed.). Sheffield, UKResearch output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Conference contribution › Academic › peer-review

Innovate dementia: the development of a living lab protocol to evaluate interventions in context
Brankaert, R., Den Ouden, P. H. & Brombacher, A. C., 8 Jun 2015, In: Info. 17, 4, p. 40-52 13 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › Academic › peer-review

Seeing the first-person perspective in dementia : a qualitative personal evaluation game to evaluate assistive technology for people affected by dementia in the home context
Suijkerbuijk, S., Brankaert, R. G. A., Kort, de, Y. A. W., Snaphaan, L. J. A. E. & Ouden, den, P. H., 2015, In: Interacting with Computers. 27, 1, p. 47-59 13 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › Academic › peer-review


Creating reciprocal value propositions – the case of the improvement of the quality of life of dementia patients and their caregivers
Alblas, A. A., Ouden, den, P. H. & Brankaert, R. G. A., 2011, Proceedings of the 4th IASDR World Conference on Design Research (IASDR2011), 31 – 4 November 2011, Delft, The Netherlands.Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Conference contribution › Academic › peer-review