A small and nice moment

SAM: an interactive buddy to stimulate action and interaction for and between people with dementia.

SAM is designed with care professionals, residents and family members of a care home from care organisation Mijzo, to stimulate interaction and activity for people with dementia. There is often a passive ambiance in the common living rooms where people with dementia spend most of their day. To stimulate more activity and interaction between the people, SAM is designed.
SAM consists of two spheres that react on touch (shake, tap, stroking, holding) through light, sound, and vibrations. This way anyone can receive stimuli from SAM, since it addresses three different senses. The sounds can vary, based on the theme that is preferred. There are 6 themes built in SAM, such as ‘spring’ or ‘zen’.

Next to action, also interaction is stimulated since the spheres also interact with each other. If they both are used, they mimic each other and if one is not used, the other becomes jealous and shows this by making a jealous sound and presenting a red glow. If the spheres are not used for a while, they will attract attention by making a sound and presenting a blue glow.

SAM is located on the table in the common living room on a table piece, so SAM can be used any time of day and has a low threshold to be used.

The charging station is a separate product which can be placed anywhere convenient for the care professionals. On this station the spheres can be wirelessly charged, the theme can be set, and the volume can be adjusted.

Project details

  • Designers: Emma Dhaeze, Serge Offermans, Rens Brankaert, Marit van de Kamp
  • Period: Oktober 2019 – April 2020
  • Partners: Mijzo